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About Esti

I have been on the journey of healing & self discovery for quite a while now. Everyone's journey is unique but we all go through similar phases of ups and downs. Moments that are so dark that we fear may never end. Throughout the years, I have tried many different practices & therapy modalities to help me heal & move forward. One of the more impactful practices that I have incorporated into my life is meditation. And no, I would not call myself a pro meditator by any means! It is something I am constantly working on improving though now that I see the powerful effects that it has on my life.


I got introduced to Sound Healing Meditation in 2020. I stumbled upon a class unintentionally that was being offered at a yoga studio I had just started attending. The whole world of yoga & holistic wellness was new to me.  From the very first sound healing session I was hooked and have been attending sessions ever since.


Sound Healing Meditation has brought me so much inner peace and has helped me become more grounded and in tune with myself. It has taught me how to find peace within despite the chaos outside. This, together with yoga has really improved my life. Once I began seeing these positive results in my personal life, I developed a deep desire to share this healing with others. I took a one on one training and then took a leap of faith and began facilitating my own Sound Healing Meditation sessions.


I have a tremendous passion for this and love sharing it with others. Whether you are experiencing physical or emotional pain or simply want to improve your physical and mental wellbeing and connect with yourself on a deeper level, Sound Healing Meditation provides the perfect environment to do so.

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